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Selectmen's Minutes August 27, 1996
August 27, 1996 - Selectmen's Meeting
Present:  Peter Jones, Judith Murdoch, Chairman James Haggerty.  Executive Secretary, Joseph Nugent

Chair signed contract with Bluestone

Chair announced free cash of $473,173.  He also announced meeting with Assessors before Town Meeting.  Meetings in September will be the 10th and 24th.

Discussion held re limiting money articles in the October Town Meeting.  Micahel Reagan and Robert Sutter were also in attendance.  Mr. Reagan noted that October T.M. was to be primarily non-monetary items.  Bylaw 1-1 has little credibility since petition of 100 forces the issue.  He referred to a letter he sent.  Getting to be a higher percentage of money articles each year.

Mr. Sutter stated that Selectmen should say no like they did last year.  That helps.  Emergencies would include sink hole in road or accident demolishing police car.

Mr. Murdoch does not share the presenters' concerns.  She does not want to debate emergencies.

Mrs. Gomez, Town Accountant, has a concern we don't get Cherry Sheets in spring, so we push stuff into October because of the uncertainty.

Mr. Jones agrees with Murdoch.  He shares concerns of presenters, but doesn't want to argue emergencies.  No problem of statement or having Finance Committee sitting in during warrant discussion.

Chairman Haggerty noted a statement will be made on the 10th of September before the warrant closes.

Mr. Reagan also brought up a contract issue and was informed Board will not sign the warrant.  Bylaw says no licenses unless fees paid.

Hearing held on request of Devlin Automotive, Inc. for Class II license, 4 vehicles allowed.  Previous license had expired.  Motion 8/27/96.1:  Mrs. Murdoch moved, Jones, 2nd.  Voted 3-0 to award the license.

Mrs. Crovo, Mr. Shultz and Mrs. Andrew (?) appeared regarding radio control boats.  Mr. Haggerty opened by saying cannot restrict use of pond, but could restrict groups from using grounds.  Complaints registered.  Mr. Jones asked when because he visited Town Hall Pond both weekends at noon and found no boats in action.  People wanted restrictions. It was noted thate are no noise bylaws or restrictions on gasoline.  Chief suggested restricting to one Saturday a month.

8/27/96.2:  Motion by Murdoch, Second by Jones, voted 3-0 to restrict small boat operations to 3rd Saturday of the month from 12-5 and must be equipped with mufflers.  Applies to Hanson and non-residents as well.

Chief Huska wanted surplus vehicle to do permits and inspections.  Vehicle is 88 or 89 vintage.  Motion to have surplus car assisgned to Fire Dept. through December 1, 1996 to ensure training takes place and then reverts to surplus.  8/27/96.3:  Move Jones, second Murdoch, Vote 2-1, Jones & Haggerty yes, Murdoch-no.

Discussion held re Chief of Police goals.  The three members present liked goals but will wait one meeting for Charlie and Kathy's input.

Police candidates - process was one page handwritten letter and read to panel.  Variety of factors including domestic violence training were considered.  The result was five candidates - Board should interview all, although Chief recommends top two.

Discussion held that Chief would like to have two selected and have standing list of three remaining if opening in January.  Very intesive process that has taken place.  Tentative date of 9/17 at 8:00 p.m. for interviews.  Twenty five minutes between each.

Noted that an executive session will be necessary for #3 negotiations of Highway contract, #3 for Luiz lawsuit, and #4, deployment of security personnel.

Executive Secretary report.  AAB issues well on way to cleanup of ramps, bathrooms, doorknobs, bubblers, etc.  Job done by employees in-house costing 21,000 instead of 30,000 estimated.  Fire alarms remaining, but asbestoes and air quality all set.  Executive Secretary working on his goals and objectives.  He presents this each September to include schools (inclusing new shcool) 2.  ADA, 3.  Town Government, 4.  zoning & growth and 5.  finances.

Requests of for action.  Chairman wants three articles prepared for Town Meeting.  Jones want to invite Buckley and Sullivan to meetings of 10th and 24th for 20 minutes to present info on tower/hospital use and summer/fall issues.

Motion 8/27/96.4:  Executive session for above.  Roll call vote.  All yes.

Motion 8/27/96.5:  Murdoch moved, 2nd Jones to adjourn.  3-0 vote at 10:50 p.m.